Five digital marketing truths you shouldn’t ignore in 2019

The pace of change in digital marketing continues to accelerate in ways that can make it seem impossible to keep up. Yesterday’s advice seems passé today. What you thought would be the next big thing, is nothing but a memory the day after tomorrow.

As we roll into 2019, let’s take a look at the emerging trends that you need to wrap your head (and your marketing budget) around.

Here are five truths that promise to shake up 2019.

1. Keyword stuffing is dead.

Gone are the days when you created pages of content stuffed with every keyword phrase you wanted to rank on. Today you need a more considered strategy that focuses on the topic areas essential to your business, while answering the questions your audience wants to know about.

Why? Because search has changed. People use longer, more conversational search queries. They ask questions of search engines and look for more specific results, such as “What Thai restaurants are near me?” or “What is the best inbound marketing agency in Stockholm?” not just “Thai restaurant” or “inbound marketing.”

This can be largely attributed to the rise in voice search. According to Location World, more than 40 percent of adults used voice-based search on a daily basis in 2016. And ComScore predicts that 50 percent of searches will be voice-based by 2020.

Today, you need to cluster your content around keyword topics and link supporting pages back to stronger “pillar” pages. It’s the internal page structures that matter more than the use of specific keywords. Your website content should reflect the way your customers search for information and answer their questions.

More about Inbound Marketing

2. Organic reach on Facebook is dead.

It’s all pay to play now. Sorry. The days of unfettered access to a large and highly targeted audience on your social media networks has ended. Facebook has been putting the brakes on your content for several years now. Even followers who have “liked” your page have no guarantee of seeing the content you share there, unless you pay to promote it.

Creating an advertising account on Facebook can improve the reach of your organic posts.

As Facebook Marketing Expert Mari Smith said, “Facebook organic reach is so 2012.” We know, it’s sad, but it’s true. It’s been true since well before the beginning of 2018, when Mark Zuckerburg announced that Facebook was changing its news feed algorithm to show more posts from friends instead of businesses. He said Facebook was doing this because they were shifting their goal from helping people “find relevant content” to “have more meaningful social interactions.”

So there you go, Facebook has decided it’s all about social interactions, not content. Unless you pay. That changes everything, of course. Facebook is very happy to allow you to pay to have your business content appear in user’s social feeds.

In fact, advertisers gain exponential increases in visibility of their content regardless of whether those posts are part of a “paid boost” effort or not. One study by WordStream showed that having a Facebook advertiser account (regardless of what sort of ads are run) increases Facebook Page impressions (which means content impressions) by 126 percent and Facebook clicks by 96 percent.

3. Video is the new king of content.

You’ve undoubtedly noticed that video gets a lot of attention online. For social media networks, especially, video is THE format to use. Facebook rolled out its LIVE feature (live video streaming) to users between 2015 and 2016. LinkedIn added native video in 2017, and Instagram added native video hosting way back in 2013.

From Facebook Live to Instagram to Watch, video is the new king of content.

To ramp up its video offering and compete against Netflix, YouTube and Hulu, Facebook introduced Facebook Watch, a video streaming channel in August 2017 that focuses on episodic content. That means creating short (often less than 3 minutes), but regularly scheduled programs to grow an audience. Facebook Watch is still looking for quality content for this channel so you have an opportunity to get your content featured, if it makes the cut. You can apply here.

According to HubSpot research (and others), video improves your chances of creating content that your audience will actually engage with. In a 2018 survey, 54 percent of consumers said they wanted to see more video content from brands or businesses they support. HubSpot even introduced its own native video platform at INBOUND18.

Research shows consumers prefer video content.

How long should your videos be? The short answer is, it depends. One-size-fits-all video is not the way to go. Your audience, purpose and medium (whether YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or your website) should all play a role in the length of videos you create. Live streaming videos and those on your website aimed at later funnel stages, when customers are looking for more in-depth information, can be longer than those designed to attract the interest of first time visitors.

On YouTube, instructional step-by-step videos are often more than 15 minutes long. For Facebook news feeds, some studies have shown that attention falls off after 2 minutes, Twitter has a limit of 2 minutes, 20 seconds, and Instagram 60 seconds, but for Facebook Live, 10 minutes or more is recommended.

Also keep in mind that your videos should tell a story, provide instruction or showcase examples. Make sure your videos are not glorified advertisements. When making a video, you need to think like a screenwriter not a marketing copywriter. Tell a story. Show how something works or go behind the scenes. Interview people, and make it entertaining.

Get a video branding checklist

4. Click bait is not a marketing strategy.

Now more than ever, trust in marketing mattersUsing dishonest or disingenuous tactics to drive traffic will only hurt you in the long run. Misleading headlines like “You won’t believe what happens when this woman drops her pen!” only frustrate and anger potential customers. This tactic might help faux-media sites inflate their viewer count for banner ad payments, but for businesses looking for genuine customers, it’s the kiss of death. Plus, these types of click-bait headlines are increasingly being filtered out by Facebook and Google algorithms that favor genuine content.

Even if you don’t resort to such blatantly cheap tactics, you should also consider whether you’re focusing on the right goals. Driving large amounts of traffic to your website for the sake of vanity metrics like page views isn’t doing you any good if the visitors aren’t potential customers. Focus more on your conversion rates and customer growth rates, and develop your content around what your ideal customer wants to know.

Good conversion rates help your rank in search engines as well. Google cares about delivering quality content to users. This is measured by how fresh it is (recently updated), how authoritative it is (sources and backlinks), and whether it delivers a good user experience. Some of the ways Google measures this is by how long someone stays on your page after clicking through, and whether people continue onto other pages of your site after reading the initial one.

Focus on developing an honest relationship with your customers about what you offer. Show examples and real case studies. Be authentic. Keep promises. Own up to your limitations, create a niche and deliver real, not inflated, information to your customers about what you offer.

5. Chatbots are here to stay.

Internet access is round-the-clock and customers visiting your website from various time zones expect service on their own terms. The advent of chatbots and AI technology makes it possible to provide answers to customer queries using pre-programmed scripts – even when you’re not available.

From basic customer questions to providing extensive online guides, chatbots can fill a hole in your customer sales and support funnel. But you need to use them carefully. There’s a place for chatbots (specifically to offer customers quick answers to simple questions or route customers to support teams), but half of your customers probably still prefer to speak to a human, according to a study by CGS.

To stay current in 2019, consider offering a chatbot on your website. It doesn’t have to be anything extremely high-tech, just having a bot that can let customers know when you’ll be back online, or way to leave a phone number for a call back is enough. Did you know Hubspot Offers a free chatbot? Ask us how we can help you get started.

Chatbots like those offered by HubSpot make it easy to add a chat function to your website.

Marketing in 2019: It’s not all about you

If your marketing approach involves continuously talking about yourself (your company or your products), then you haven’t caught up to how marketing in 2019 works. Promotion in the digital age is not about self-promotion. It’s not about pushing your product or selling features. It’s about helping your customers. Stop talking about yourself. Put your customers first – answer their questions and help them find solutions.

A key way to do this is to use an Inbound approach to marketing. Give your prospects the information they need for the stage of the buyer’s journey they are in at the moment. Provide tips and information. Share customer stories. Create useful “how to” videos to help customers solve problems. Offer guides or handbooks using your expertise that provide real value to prospects.

By putting your customers first, and embracing new technology that helps you do that, you’ll be moving in the right direction in 2019.

Find out more about inbound marketing.

Get this free guide to inbound marketing.

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Seven reasons your B2B website needs a blog

Believe it or not, even in 2018, I  still hear from business owners and B2B companies who think that a blog has no place on their website. They may think the effort it takes isn’t worth the investment. Or, they (mistakenly) believe that blogs are only for personal use or showcasing opinions. What they fail to realize is how many ways a blog helps turn a website into a useful marketing tool. Blogs are an essential component of any inbound or content marketing effort.

Still not convinced? Well here are seven reasons that demonstrate why a blog is essential for your business website.

7 reasons your business website needs a blog

Reason #1. Get found more easily.

One of the main reasons any business-focused website should consider a blog is for the search engine optimization (SEO) value it offers. Google and other search engines place a high value on website pages with content that is frequently updated and of high quality. Blog articles help improve the amount of time people spend on your website, increase the number of pages they share or bookmark, and make it easier to include the sort of keyword phrases visitors might actually use in search engines. These are all factors that affect your website’s rank in search results. Blogs also make it easier to get organic backlinks to your website, as visitors are more inclined to share blog articles or educational materials than other types of pages (especially purely promotional product pages).

Reason #2. Gain credibility as an expert.

Sharing your industry knowledge, experience and expertise in relevant, well-crafted blog posts shows your potential customers that you know what you’re talking about. Customers are more likely to engage with businesses they see as experts in their field. You can use a blog to go into detail with useful tips about your products, answer customer questions, and provide advice about choosing between various options. You can also use a blog to generate interest from people who may not yet be considering a purchase. By providing education and advice that is useful in nature instead of focused purely on selling or promoting a product, you can help establish an audience for your expertise. In addition, website visitors are more likely to share articles that provide useful business information with their contacts on social networks. That will grow your reputation as an expert, and also result in more traffic to your website.

Reason #3. Tell your story in another way.

Storytelling is an engaging and effective way to interact with your potential customers. Tell them more about why you do what you do. What makes you passionate about what your company does? How did your company get started? What are the ideas, processes or methods you hold dear? A blog provides a way to share a series of articles that showcase your company and what you do in a human way to which other people can relate.

Reason #4: Engage in social media marketing.

Chances are good that your ideal customers are using social media. You should be there too, with relevant content that interests and engages them. Are ads and product pitches going to fulfill that role? Probably not. Think about what you are likely to read or share on social media. It’s probably not advertising. But if you come across a helpful blog post, or interesting story or video, you might share it. So will your prospects.

Having a blog lets you create the kind of content that you can share across all your company’s social media networks. It allows you to post relevant, updated articles that showcase your company’s expertise, or point of view, in a way that is more engaging than typical promotional content is.

Reason #5. Create ongoing connections.

Having a blog subscription provides a way for you to stay connected with visitors who come to your website. They may not be ready to contact you or reach out for more information about your product the first time they visit your website, but if you have a useful and relevant blog, they may be interested enough to subscribe to it. Placing a prominent blog subscription form on your website can be a way to generate new leads and stay in touch with prospects over a longer period of time in a non-intrusive way. A weekly or monthly email update from your blog will help ensure your company comes to mind when the prospect is ready to make a purchase decision.

Reason #6: Encourage visitor interaction.

Likewise, a website visitor may not feel they have a question or message worthy of sending an email or using your website contact form, but if you spark an interest, they may leave a comment on your blog. This gives you a unique opportunity to interact with them in a useful, unobtrusive way. Taking a few minutes each week to respond to comments will prove worth the effort as it generates a sense of interaction for your website. You shouldn’t worry too much about negative comments or spam, either, because there are a number of tools that can make dealing with both of these issues simple. Furthermore, responding to negative comments gives you an opportunity to correct misconceptions and show that your business takes customer needs seriously.

Reason #7: Use content marketing effectively.

On a blog, you can publish a variety of types of content, from videos, to how-to articles, to slideshows. You can offer infographics or ebooks. A blog gives you creative license to try a variety of different formats and styles of content that might not otherwise work well on a business website devoted to describing a company and products or services. A blog gives you the opportunity to show website visitors who you are, what you do, and what makes you special. That can go a long way in moving a prospect toward a purchase decision.

Starting a blog

Creating a blog on an existing website doesn’t have to be a difficult endeavor. A variety of blogging tools, such as WordPress or HubSpot, are available out of the box that can work as add-ons to your existing website and allow you to get an effective business-focused blog up and running quickly.

Need help? Contact me if you need help setting up a blog, creating content,  getting a website set up for your business.

How mobile optimized is your website?

About a year ago, Google implemented a “mobile friendly” update that promised to make mobile readiness a critical part of its site-ranking algorithm. Dubbed “mobilegeddon” by people in SEO and online marketing, it promised to have disastrous consequences for anyone who didn’t adopt mobile friendly practices, such as responsive design, by the deadline on April 21, 2015.


So what happened? Did mobilegeddon, or mobilepocalyse as it was called by some, occur? Well, to some extent, yes, but it wasn’t the explosive event that was predicted for Y2K. (Do you remember that non-event?) Furthermore, many website owners say the immediate impact of mobilegeddon wasn’t felt as harshly as originally predicted. Instead, it may result in a gradual drop in rankings as Google slowly rolls through its plan to evaluate the mobile optimization of websites.

Google did start providing warnings to site owners if their websites aren’t well optimized for mobile viewing. The warning only occurs in search results shown to the site owner when viewing the site on mobile screens. (How Google knows who is the site owner is a whole other discussion <wink>).

Search Engine Land reported what this looks like:


However, the real message here is that having a mobile friendly website is an important element for SEO and how Google ranks your website, and it isn’t going away.

What elements make a website mobile friendly?

Of course, the obvious question is: what can I do to make sure my website is mobile-friendly? The key elements of a mobile-optimized website include:

  • Mobile site structure. One of the most important elements of mobile optimization is making sure the site structure works well on mobile. Once upon a time this meant having specific code to support a variety of mobile phone types. However, today this typically means using responsive design for smart phones. In fact, Moz says Google prefers responsive design. The other option is to design a separate site just for mobile. For example, some parallel mobile sites use an “m” subdomain.
  • Designing for mobile. This is a bit different than site structure and means creating pages that look good when viewed on mobile as well as desktop (for responsive sites). You’ll see this in the format of longer scrolling pages, revising what it means to be “above the fold,” and putting key elements at the top of a page (often left side for responsive grid CMS designs).
  • Page speed. Because of bandwidth and connectivity issues, fast loading is even more important on mobile than desktop. Enhancing for speed means minimizing code, optimizing images, leveraging browser caching and reducing redirects.
  • Show all page elements. In the old days, some mobile devices couldn’t support CSS, JavaScript or images, so many site developers created code to block these for mobile viewers. However, that’s no longer true, and Google likes them, so don’t avoid using these elements in your mobile design.
  • No Flash. One content option that still doesn’t work on mobile is Flash. If your site is built entirely in Flash (well not only is that bad for SEO in general), it’s a death sentence for mobile optimization.
  • Local optimization. On mobile, location is important, so optimizing for local search helps improve your site’s ranking (of course, not all websites need a local search component, but for any sort of retail establishment or local service provider, it’s essential). However, including your company name, address, and phone number in your metadata will provide the correct optimization signals to Google that could very well affect your site’s overall ranking on desktop or otherwise.
  • Follow good SEO practices. In general, optimizing for mobile takes SEO to another level and requires good use of meta tags (site descriptions), URLs, and page titles. You can include SCHEMA tags as well to help your mobile content stand out in search results (more on schema structured data here).


(Originally published at UP THERE EVERYWHERE).

Five reasons your business needs content marketing now

The art and practice of content marketing has become an important trend in the last few years. You’ve probably heard this term used in conjunction with SEO (search engine optimization), inbound marketingand social media marketing. But what exactly do we mean by content marketing ?


What is content marketing?

Here is a definition from the Content Marketing Institute:

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” 

Using content for marketing is not a completely new idea. It’s the way we think about content (or define it) that has changed, along with the tools we can use to make it available to others. As the Internet and social media become ever more important to people’s lives, the way they seek and gather information changes. Putting your content out in the world where people are looking for it helps them find you.

Why would you want to do that? Because you’re an expert and your customers need to know that. No matter what business you’re in, chances are you got into it because you’re an expert in an area or because you saw a chance to make a difference, and you’ve become an expert as a result of your hard work. By sharing your knowledge with your prospects, you’re not only improving your reputation, you’re helping your prospects in their journey to learn something new.

In fact, 88 percent of B2B marketers reported using content marketing as a part of their online marketing strategy. 

Why you should use content marketing

If building your reputation and sharing knowledge aren’t enough to convince you to consider upping your content marketing game, here are five preemptive reasons you should do it.

1. Old-style advertising is dead.

You may have heard this one before and thought “hog-wash.” But listen, I’m not trying to jump on a bandwagon here, and probably not saying what you think I am saying, so before you dismiss this, hear me out. Promotional ads aren’t enough anymore. Banner ads have been losing their efficacy rates for years. (Bannersnack).

The average click through rate of display ads across all formats and placements in the USA is now just 0.07%. (Display Benchmarks tool).  On the newspaper end, total ad revenue in 2013 was 49% lower than it had been a decade earlier, according to the “State of the News Media 2014” study by the Pew Research Center.

You have to bring more to the table. No one method will be enough to build your brand, develop leads and position your company in the minds of prospects. You need to offer something of value and, in the information age, that means — you guessed it — information.

Ads may help drive traffic to your website, or your storefront, but will that be enough? Probably not. To convert them into leads or sales, you need content that tells a story or promotes knowledge. Use advertising to boost your content, and you’ll be playing a different game.

2. Selling is dead.

Yep, another one that’s probably making you groan. But again, the way selling used to work — with cold calling and sales reps pushing a product that customers had never heard of — isn’t how it’s done anymore. Consumers are out actively seeking information to help them solve their problems and to understand what questions to ask before considering a new purchase. They have their own agendas, pace and options for how they want to receive that information. They don’t want anyone to “sell” to them. (Inc.)

Instead, modern sales reps need to form meaningful relationships with consumers – to provide information and guidance. If you wait for the phone to ring before you to start educating them about market differentiators and what they need to know to make a choice, you’re too late. Your competitors have probably already framed customer perspectives by offering information about the questions they should be asking.

In B2B, especially, 57% of a typical purchase decision is made before a customer even talks to a supplier. (Corporate Executive Board).

Content marketing can help you generate thought leadership, an important part of ensuring that your company makes it into your prospect’s frame of reference for consideration, and can help you get information in front of your audience at the right stages in the buying cycle.

3. Old-style SEO is dead.

Did I get you again? That’s right…the old-fashioned form of stuffing your web pages with keywords and paying for links on other websites no longer impresses Google. What matters is content. Good content that makes people stay on your site and click through to more pages. (Once upon a time, we called this “sticky” content). Organic search engine ranking is increasingly about creating content that people actually want to read, and it’s measured by how long they stay on your website doing just that.

That’s not to say you should ignore keyword research… you still need to create your content based on the search terms your audience uses, not the ones your internal organization uses, or it will be virtually invisible to your potential audience. However, optimizing your website needs to be less about tracking keywords and rankings, and more about engaging visitors once they’ve landed on your website. For that, you need valuable content that impresses and inspires. High converting landing pages are what matter.

4. Google is dead.

Just kidding. But creating a website primarily for Google has lost its potency. Don’t focus your efforts on “gaming” Google to appear at the top of search results. Furthermore, what is “top” for each person is different, based on location, past search history, and even the type of device being used. There’s no “one right page structure” or “one right keyword” that will win you the Google prize. It’s really all about knowing your audience, planning content that appeals to each of your target “personas” and offering what they need to make their experience on your website, or with your brand (whether in a store, event or elsewhere) meaningful. And then you need to make sure your content is where your audience is – whether that’s on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or at tradeshows, industry journals or online media. Promoting your content through social media, PR and yes, even paid advertising, is an essential element of content marketing.

5. Print content is NOT dead.

(Did I throw you a curve?) In fact, content in all forms, offline, offline, mobile, video, TV, is in more demand than ever. Print is still a top-of-funnel medium. Print isn’t dead, experts say.  According to the AMA, “Print circulations are down, but in many cases, that means that publications’ readership has been culled to only the most engaged, which is a desirable trait, from an advertising standpoint.”

What’s even more in vogue than Vogue is customized content (content for a specific audience) produced by businesses. (Money CNN). Businesses are once again finding increasing success in printing their own publications, and, in fact, customers are responding to print simply because it’s so unusual to receive it now.

Plus, according to,  56 percent of all consumers trust print marketing more than any other advertising method.

And the majority of Millennials (45%) in a 2014 survey by Androit Digital say a combination approach of digital ads and traditional ad channels is equally or more effective in influencing their brand decision making, compared to either as a standalone channel. Furthermore, 3 out of 4 small businesses use both print marketing and online efforts combined. This strategy usually offers the best return on investment and gets the best response rates.

So what do you think?

Is content marketing in your plans for 2016? What made you decide to do it? Leave a comment or click to tell us what you think.

Seven tips for social media success in highly regulated industries

For many business in highly regulated environments (such as pharma, medtech, health care and financial sectors), social media may seem like a tool that is either irrelevant or too difficult to manage within stringent and often-changing regulatory parameters. Yet, the truth is, social media is just as applicable to these sectors as other B2B markets, and can be equally as effective. Being compliant and being quiet are not irreversibly fused.


Social media for B2B?

Yes, some of you out there may still think that social media is only for fun and games. Nothing serious is ever accomplished there, and even when serious topics (like politics) are discussed, it’s nothing but avarice and opinions. Right? Well, wrong.

Social media is a very effective tool for many B2B companies not only for promoting their content (more on this here) but also for keeping tabs on the pulse of their markets — what’s known as social listening. In fact, according to a 2016 report from Content Marketing Institute, 93% of B2B marketing organizations use social media. However, according to the same report, only 35% have documented their social media strategy. This could be a major downfall to success (read on for tips below).

Social media content - Content Marketing Institute

(Graphic from Content Marketing Institute Report)

If you’re not monitoring or participating in the conversation, how can you possibly know what your customers, colleagues, partners and prospects are thinking?

This brings me to two important aspects of social media in the B2B world, including regulated industries like healthcare, diagnostics and medical devices. You must focus on both monitoring and engagement.

That translates into LISTENING and SHARING.

Social media monitoring and engagement

Monitoring (listening) in social media means following your customers, partners or networks on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+ and other channels, and regularly checking your streams so you are aware of what others in your space are saying. You can use tools such as Hootsuite, HubSpot or Sprout Social to monitor important subject areas and “follow” people you want to stay connected to, setting up alerts for particular areas of interest or “hot topics.”

Engagement (sharing) in social media means contributing to the conversation with new content, thoughts, ideas, reports, images, infographics and other content that your followers and audiences might find useful. It’s not (just) about self-promotion, but also about sharing ideas and contributing to a conversation. Your contributions can be entirely original (such as predictions, posts or reports that you or your company have produced), insights or perspectives on work from others (like adding your comments on news about a new law or protocol) or sharing things you found useful (such as a “How to” article or seminar presentation from the last conference you attended). Apply a simple rule: if your content passes medical, legal and regulatory review processes, it’s a candidate to build an engagement strategy.

How to keep your content compliant

In any business, but especially in the regulated industries, managing your brand’s reputation and keeping your company safe from infractions (perceived or real) requires a few extra steps to ensure success. You’ll want to create a plan that is approved at the highest levels of your organization and followed by everyone in the company who posts on behalf of your brand. Here are some tips for creating a well-organized social media plan:

1. Create a set of guidelines.

The most important first step is to create a document outlining the issues that can and can’t be discussed. If you have proprietary new research or R&D that is classified, all of your team members should be made aware (and firmly reminded) that all such topics are off limits. Be very specific about the words they can and can’t use. However, they may find that the knowledge they have in these areas makes a useful addition to online conversations or in discussions on professional forums. In that case, they should be clearly instructed about what issues are “fair game” for discussion, and where the boundaries are that cross into proprietary, protected or regulated information. Your team should be well briefed in the difference between presenting new facts and helpful information, and any speculation that could appear as an endorsement or recommendation around regulated topics. (Get a sample social media guidelines template here).

2. Develop written talking points.

A simple document or guide that outlines to your team all the most important “themes” or areas of expertise for your company, such as focus areas or new business areas, will give your team the ammunition they need to focus where you want them to focus. You might think everyone knows what to concentrate on, but if you haven’t put pen to paper (or more likely, hands to keyboard), you can’t be sure they are all on the same page.

3. Prepare a content calendar.

Turn your talking points into a social media calendar with posts planned for a week or more at a time. Focus on topics around which your company has expertise and wishes to become known in the market. Include a combination of curated and created content (posts linking back to blog articles or research papers, as well as content you share from other experts, industry conferences or partners). Remember: you want your topics to be about issues, not products. Consider what challenges your target audience is facing and talk to them about things they care about. Mention the problems your products solve, not the brands. The exception would be answering or responding to specific questions that others may post online about your products. (Need inspiration? Download a sample social media planning template here.)

4. Institute an approval process.

In some industries, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants witty responses might win points. But in highly regulated industries, off-the-cuff remarks could end up costing you dearly. Make sure that all your content and comments are approved in advance. Create a written approval process (approval template documents help) that everyone on the team understands. Include an approval “check off” at the top of your editorial calendar or blog post templates to indicate who needs to approve it and by when.

5. “Chunk” your content.

One way to ease (and speed) the approval process for new posts is to pull your social media comments and ideas from pre-approved content. Create larger pieces regularly (such as articles, case studies or white papers) with ideas that can be approved all at once. Then, pull bits and pieces of this into social media-worthy posts that let you spread your content out over several weeks.

6. Rework and reuse existing content.

Similarly, you can reuse existing content by turning it into new formats without requiring a lengthy regulatory approval process. Turn a research paper presented at a conference into a series of infographics, Slideshares, or video for YouTube (have the writer or a company thought-leader read it on camera and mix in still graphics or slides with charts). Create Tweetable callout images from the key data that link to a page where people can read the entire report. Turn the presentation into an “interview” with the expert. Think about additional ways to present content that might appeal to your audience.

7. Get help.

If you need additional resources to ensure your content is appealing and also compliant, you might consider looking to outside experts. Look to outsourced resources who have experience writing for regulated industries and know the ins and outs of posting content to social media.

Have any other concerns?

Do you have other concerns about social media we didn’t address here? Ask us in the comments and we’ll be glad to help.

Get a free template for social media guidelines here.

The ABCs of inbound marketing: A glossary of must-know terms

Even if the concept of inbound marketing is not new to you, you may find that some of the most commonly used vocabulary sounds a bit foreign or has meanings that are slightly elusive. But no matter what your native tongue is, we’ve got you covered with this glossary of the must-know terms for inbound marketing.

ABCs of inbound marketing - glossary of terms to know


A/B Testing

Split testing two variations of an idea can help you determine which factors lead to better performance. The key here is to test one variable at a time. That can mean swapping out headlines, images, colors, layouts, offers or specific text. Anything really. As long as you only try to measure one element at a time, you can test any variable of your page, email or offer to see what improves your conversion rates. You might consider  A/B testing elements of your social media campaigns as well.


Analytics is an essential part of inbound marketing. Part art and part science, it requires not only that you consider what needs to be measured, but also that you interprete the data in meaningful ways to gain insights that will improve your marketing efforts. That may mean looking at your website visitor statistics to see which blog posts get the most views, which offers have the best conversion rates, what social media posts (or channels) deliver the most leads, and so forth.



Blog is a word that evolved from the term “web log” or “weblog.” In the early days, a blog was typically a website owner’s personal journal or story. Today that’s anything but the case. The term “blogging” covers all types of online content from company or business blogs to news posts to interpretations of scientific papers. Blogging is an important part of inbound marketing that helps companies attract prospects by offering them valuable content. It’s also an important strategy to improve your website’s performance in search engines (known as SEO, see below).

Bottom of the Funnel

The bottom of the funnel refers to the stage of a buying process in which prospects are about to convert to customers. They have recognized a problem, researched possible solutions and are close to making a decision (or in terms of the buyer’s journey, making a purchase). At this point (and not before), they are ready for a call from your sales team or a discussion about how your company can fill their needs.

Sales Funnel - Top of Funnel - Bottom of Funnel

Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey is a way of looking at the buying process by aligning a prospect’s needs at each stage of the funnel with the actions they will take. The buyer’s journey usually follows this process:
1) AwarenessThe buyer becomes aware that they have a problem or desire.
2) Information gathering: the buyer begins to gather more information about the problem or desire.
3) Exploring options: The buyer compares options and gets more details.
4) Decision making: The buyer is prepared to make a purchase and select a vendor. It’s important to keep in mind that the buyer’s journey will be different from one market to the next, and it’s typically a much more complex process in B2B than in B2C markets.


Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action is specific request that encourages a website visitor to take an action, such as “subscribe now,” “download ebook”, or “register” for a webinar. It maybe be presented as a text link, button, or image, and typically directs the visitor to a landing page to complete a specific action, such as filling out a form to become a lead. It’s important to make your CTA as action oriented and simple as possible to get the best results, such as: Get our ebook now.

Conversion Path

A conversion path is the prescribed way you intend to capture lead information. It typically starts with some sort of call-to-action (such as a button) that sends visitors to a landing page to complete a form and then redirects to a thank you page where they can download content.

Conversion Rates (or Ratio)

A conversion rate represents the ratio of people who are presented with an action to those who complete the action. This can mean the number of people who click on an ad (vs. number who view it), click a button or complete a form. Measuring conversion rates at each step of the conversion path helps you determine what part of your offer is working (or not working).


By content we mean any information presented to your audience for education, engagement or sharing. Content could be a blog post, ebook, video, social media post, photo, slideshow, or podcast. Some content is created primarily to generate visibility or “mindshare” and is therefore presented in an open way on your website, and promoted on social media and content sharing platforms. Other content (which we sometimes call “premium” content) is only shared after your visitor provides information such as their name or email address to you.

CTR (click through rate)

Click through rate (CTR) is a measurement of the number of people who view a banner ad, button or offer compared to the number who click on it and go to your landing page. Measuring CTR helps you determine which offers or creative (versions of your text or images) are working the best.


A CRM, or customer relationship management system, is a tool used to improve and track interaction with your customers and prospects. It can range from a sophisticated front-end website order fulfillment process linked to customer service, or primarily be used to manage the marketing/sales process (such as this free one from HubSpot). CRMs can provide analytics, keep track of your customer’s journey, and manage lead scoring so you know when to turn leads over to your sales team.


Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is content that appears unique to each website visitor or offers a customized experience based on information you have collected previously about the visitor. By capturing data from website interactions (such as form submissions, IP address, or website page visits), you can ensure that each future  website visit is a more customized experience.  This can be applied to email, newsletter or blog content as well, by using data fields (such as <<first name>>, <<last name>>, or <<recent ebook download>>) within your text.



The term email refers to “Electronic Mail.” Email is an essential element of inbound marketing because it allows you to send information directly to your contact’s attention. It’s important, though, to remember that the fundamental principal of inbound marketing is to create “likeable” marketing…and not abuse your relationship with your email contacts. Nurture your prospects by sending them only specific information they have requested and which helps them complete their buyer’s journey.



Facebook is an essential content promotion tool for many inbound marketers. As one of the largest (and daily accessed) social media networks, Facebook provides the opportunity to put your content in front of a huge audience (1.59 billion monthly active users to be precise). Whether you use paid or organic promotion, Facebook is just one channel that can help your inbound content be found.




Started by Google in 2011, Google+ (pronounced “Google Plus”) is a social media platform that allows you to post updates across “circles” or business interest channels. Despite recent claims that Google is phasing out Google+ as a social media tool, it’s not true. (However, Google IS phasing out the requirement to use a Google+ login to access Google Photos, YouTube, Google Play and other services.) Google+ is generally considered an excellent content publishing tool for SEO reasons.



HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language, which is a coding language that determines how web page content is displayed online. Even websites built in a CMS (content management system) such as WordPress, Drupal or HubSpot, are based on HTML, and knowing some can be helpful for customizing the specific appearance of content on pages.



Inbound Marketing

We couldn’t skip defining this term in our inbound glossary, could we? Inbound marketing is a process of aligning content and information with a prospect’s needs in a way that nurtures the relationship from site visitor to lead to customer. Instead of using “old” outbound methods such as buying ads, email lists, or cold-calling prospects, inbound uses quality content to attract visitors and help you develop a relationship with them over time.



It might sound like a coffee product, but Javascript is actually a programming language that supports scripts —or programs —written to execute specific tasks one at a time. (In technical terms, scripting languages are interpreted rather than compiled – I’m sure you were dying to know that). Javascript can be embedded into HTML to add functionality to a web page, such as different menu styles or graphic displays. It can be used to track data on website visitors and manage form completions. So if your website developer tells you he needs to add Java to your website, he’s not talking about caffeine.



Keywords or “keyword phrases” are the terms (or topic areas) that get indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. Contrary to what some people think, you can’t just stuff a bunch of keywords onto your page (or in your meta tags) and expect it to do well in search results. Optimization requires knowing which search phrases your target audience might actually use and adding them in relevant ways to your page content. Of course, there are other factors involved in SEO as well (read more below).


In the broad sense, KPIs, or key performance indicators, are the measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. In terms of inbound marketing, these are reflections of specific goals you may have for marketing growth, such as to gain X number of new customers per quarter, or double the number of leads from month 1 to month 2. By aligning your specific marketing objectives with broader KPIs you can help ensure success for your inbound marketing efforts.


Landing Page

Sometimes people use the term landing page to mean any website page to which traffic is directed (such as from an ad campaign). But in inbound terms, landing page refers specifically to a website page with a form that is used for lead generation. Landing pages are the conversion tools for turning website visitors into leads. A good landing page focuses attention on a single objective: getting a conversion (form completion). You’ll want to have a number of landing pages with different offers for specific personas at each stage of the funnel.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing, similar to “drip marketing,” is an organized method of moving your leads down the sales funnel with a series of communications (such as emails or social media) to help you qualify a lead and then further engage them. It is a process that focuses on delivering useful content to a specific audience at the right time.


As a business-focused social networking site, LinkedIn is the go-to choice for content marketing among many B2B companies. In addition to creating a presence online, it’s a way for a company to maintain a thought leadership role around specific topics (by posting content updates and long form posts) and participating in group discussions.


Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the process by which lead nurturing happens. It makes use of a collection of tools such as database management, list segmentation and email distribution to automate and personalize delivery of content designed to move your prospects closer to sales, or to keep existing customers happy. Your email delivery can be scheduled to happen based on specific actions from a prospect (such as visiting a particular website page or downloading an offer), time periods (such as three days after downloading an ebook, or once a week like a newsletter) or other conditions (such as if the prospect is on a particular list or meets a demographic profile).


The key issue question many people have about this term is how to pronounce it. Say “meem,” which rhymes with team. The traditional definition of meme is a thought or idea that is spread from person to person rapidly. But in the Internet age, it’s taken on a whole other aspect. I’m sure you’ve seen these— particularly on social media—they are typically a humorous image, video, or piece of text that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users. Good memes have the makings of powerful viral content. There’s even a website you can go to make your own: Here’s an example:

How to pronounced meme meem

Middle of the Funnel

This stage of a buyer’s journey happens after a prospect recognizes or puts a name to a problem. Their goal at this point is to find a solution to the problem – to consider products or ideas that will help. It’s the stage for introducing case studies, product brochures or other materials that show how your business can solve the problem.    

Mobile Optimized

With Google’s addition of mobile optimization as a search ranking criteria in mid-2015, having a mobile-friendly or responsive website went from be optional to critical. Mobile optimization is the process of ensuring that visitors who access your site from mobile devices have a good experience (meaning, for example, not having to scroll left to right to see your page and having font sizes large enough for viewing on small screens). It’s more important than ever to make sure your website conforms to mobile-friendly techniques. Does yours? Get a free mobile readiness evaluation here.


No-Follow Link

A no-follow link tells search engine crawlers not to follow or pass “link credit” to websites or pages linked from your page. Why would you do that? The main reason is usually to avoid having your website flagged for duplicate content (which can look like spam to search engines) or for reasons such as paid links, embedded content, comments or anytime you don’t want your website to be seen as “endorsing” the linked content.



An offer is what you trade for a prospect’s email address or demographic information. It could be an ebook, white paper, webinar, checklist, template or another piece of relevant and valuable content.

Off-Page Optimization

This part of the SEO puzzle refers to incoming links and other outside factors that can impact your website’s search engine rank. Typically it means having the right sort of pages linking to you, including social media sites. You can help boost your off-page optimization with good social media and link-building strategies. It’s important to stay away from “black hat” techniques like paying to be included on “link farms,” however, as search engines increasingly penalize websites severely for these tactics.

On-Page Optimization

As part of an SEO effort, on-page optimization refers to the steps you take to improve the content within the pages of your site, as well as the HTML code. It typically involves making sure your keywords appear in important areas of the page (such as the headline, page title, alt tags and URL) and within the visible page text.


Opt-in refers to the process of collecting email addresses only from people who have requested to hear from you. An “opt-in” list means that someone has filled out a form on your website and given you specific permission to contact them. (In contrast, opt-out means they have asked to be taken off your list). Both of these processes are important to ensure you have a “clean” list — not only a best practice for inbound marketing, but also an essential one for compliance with international anti-spam laws.



Sometimes referred to as a “buyer persona,” this is a representative profile of your target customer. You create a buyer persona by visualizing your ideal prospect, considering what they do, think and feel, and identifying their core problems or concerns. Creating buyer personas will help you more clearly visualize for whom you are creating content and how to segment your lists.


PPC (or Pay-Per-Click) is a form of advertising in which you pay for each click on your message. It’s a commonly used format on Google Adwords and sites like Facebook. It’s an alternative to CPM, in which you, the advertiser, pays per impression or each time your message is delivered, not just when it receives a click.


Qualified Lead

For a lead to be considered “qualified,” the person must have taken an action that shows they have an interest in your business or that they meet specific criteria which would make them a good customer for you. With inbound marketing, you can set the criteria around which you qualify a lead (such as their industry or location) by adding questions to forms or using logic based on which pages they visit (such as a pricing page).

QR Code

A QR code (abbreviation of Quick Response code) is a type of graphical barcode that can be read by scanners or camera phones. It’s typically used by marketers to quickly send people to a specific landing page or website offer without having to use a long URL.


Responsive Design

This type of website design takes into consideration how a web page looks across various devices, such as on tablets or mobile phones. A web page built with responsive design automatically resizes itself as the browser window grows smaller, and reflows the content in a way that makes it easy to view and navigate. So rather than a page appearing larger than the screen, it resizes to keep all the content within view. In addition to the obvious usability advantages, responsive design became an important element of SEO when Google made mobile friendliness a part of its ranking algorithms in mid-2015.




SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is a process for improving a website’s chances for ranking more highly in search engine results. It includes both on-page and off-page elements and is sometimes thought of as a form of black magic (just kidding) but it’s really just a series of tactical steps to improve your website’s ability to be found by those who you want to find it.


This may sound like a canned meat product, but what we’re talking about here is unsolicited email. Sending out bulk email to people who haven’t asked to receive it (or “opted-in”) is considered spam, and with the passage of anti-spam laws in many countries, it is a punishable offense.  How do you avoid breaking the law? Make sure you only send email to people who have asked to hear from you and filled out a “subscribe” or “contact me” form on your website. The term spam is also used in SEO to refer to “stuffing” keywords or content onto a website in attempt to fool search engines into ranking your site more highly (an offense punishable by being blocked from search engine results altogether). How do you avoid being blacklisted? Simple: Keep your content relevant and written for humans not “robots”.

Social Media

Once upon a time social media was considered nothing but fun and games. Today, however, savvy markers consider it an essential channel for helping to spread the word about their content and brand. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram are powerful tools for many companies in developing a relationship with their audience(s) as well as getting feedback on their brand.


Thought Leadership

Thought leadership might seem like one of those vague marketing terms like “brand relevance” but in truth, it’s a very important and compelling reason for companies to create original content. In addition to the practical use of content in generating leads, producing original, quality blog posts, white papers or ebooks and other information, helps establish your company and people as thought leaders, or experts in your market. When it comes to brand-building, expertise goes a long way toward generating credibility and sales.

Top of the Funnel

Top of the funnel refers to the very first stage of the buying process. At this stage, prospects are just starting to recognize that they have a problem or need and put a name to it. They turn to the internet to search for information. Smart inbound marketers make sure their company is offering content that helps people at this stage define their problem and start looking for a solution.


To make this definition relevant, let’s keep it to 140 characters or less, which is the limit for communication on this social media site: “Twitter is a tool that lets people publicly share short messages, images and URLs. Users can follow each other or interests via #hashtags.”

OK now click here to Tweet it.




URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee,  a software engineer atCERN, a large particle physics laboratory near Geneva, way back in ancient times: 1989. A URL serves as an address for a piece of information — whether a page, image or document — that can be found on the world wide web (which Sir Berners-Lee is also credited with inventing). The naming of your URLs (such as can be an important factor in SEO.


Viral Content

Viral doesn’t mean your computer is sick. It’s a reference to the phenomenon that happens when a bit of content gets quickly and exponentially shared around the world. In the “old days” this often meant by email, but with the introduction of social media, it typically means your content has generated millions of “likes” and “shares” across various platforms. “Going viral” these days usually equates to millions of views.



A website consists of all the interconnected web pages that together form a virtual home of information or content from a person, company or organization. The home page of a website (which corresponds to the main URL such as is often thought of as the front door, but other pages of the site, especially blogs or very well optimized content, may actually be the first point of contact that a person has with a website. Good inbound marketers realize the importance of these other pages and work hard to make sure they create relevant dynamic content that will attract each of their target audiences.


Workflow is a term used to describe a lead nurturing process. It includes the steps that need to happen to provide the right content to the right person at the right time. This can mean sending an email, adjusting a database field (such as changing a contact’s category from “subscriber” to “lead”) or adding a contact to a particular list (such as an ebook offer or a newsletter) when they reach a specific stage.


XML Sitemap

XML is a markup language that (among other things) allows the parts of a website to be categorized. An XML sitemap is a way to publish a list of all the links within your site, making it easier for search engines to index them. Publishing an XML sitemap is like issuing an invitation for search engine spiders to come visit.



YouTube is the largest video-sharing website in the world and provides a way for users to upload, share, and view videos. In addition to being a valuable content-sharing site, it’s become a launching pad for wannabe celebrities (Justin Bieber anyone?). YouTube is owned by Google so content published there has some obvious SEO advantages. It’s generally considered a social media platform because of the user interaction and discussion that happens, but increasingly it has become a business-focused advertising platform and streaming network to rival traditional TV. Like this example from UP’s YouTube channel:





Zentation is a content sharing platform, and since its name starts with Z, we decided it should be on our list.  Zentation is a software program that lets you marry your Powerpoint presentation with video content, which is pretty cool if you want to post content from a seminar or webinar to your website. Check it out here:


Want to know more about inbound marketing?

Get this free ebook.

What is inbound marketing and how can it help me?

Inbound marketing isn’t just for consumer-facing companies. In fact, for many B2B companies, especially in what we often refer to as “high involvement” markets, long and complex sales cycles mean a lot of information must be exchanged with a prospect before a sale is made. This creates a perfect situation for inbound and content marketing to become effective.


So what exactly is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that bring website visitors IN by providing the information they are seeking, rather than going OUT and interrupting people with messages or ads in which they are not interested. Inbound is a process of aligning content and information with a prospect’s needs in a way that nurtures the relationship from site visitor to lead to customer.

Instead of using “old” outbound methods such as buying ads and sending email to purchased lists, or cold-calling prospects, inbound relies on quality content, online conversations and SEO to bring prospects to your website. You then build a relationship with these people over time by continuing to offer useful information and relevant insights to them.

In short, inbound marketing is a program of content creation that is:

  • optimized on your website for SEO,
  • individualized to prospect’s needs,
  • responsive to what potential customers want, and
  • delivers information (content) that helps them make better buying decisions through a variety of online, social media and email channels.


Inbound and content marketing

The way customers seek out information has in undergone a fundamental shift over the last decade. Customers are actively seeking out new information channels and sources of authority in their fields. They want to know how to do their jobs better, and look for resources that can help them do that.

Customers no longer wait for a sales person to call to get information about a product that may help them do their jobs better. In fact, company websites may not even be the first line of information gathering for many people. They check out social media sites or peer-facing discussion pages, or whatever comes up first on Google.

Simply pushing product information out through advertising on mass media doesn’t work. You need to have your information timed to what the customer needs to know, not tied to your internal marketing cycles.

Information not advertising

Customers are looking for solutions to their problems. And looking for ways to help them do their jobs better. They turn to the Internet for information, advice and recommendations from their peers on what works.

If a potential customer searches on “how to get better results in (insert your area of expertise here)”, will they find information related to your company or product’s business area in Google? Have you created the online content that helps people looking to solve a problem consider your product in their frame of reference?

If they’re searching, and you’re not there offering the information they need, where will they get that information? Probably from people who know less about your market that you do, and potentially from your competitors.

Creating this sort of “top of funnel” content is what makes the difference for inbound marketing – and for successful sales in today’s online world.

Inbound marketing solutions

Inbound marketing software solutions like HubSpot, help you manage, monitor and analyze your marketing activities in order to generate high quality leads that more readily convert to sales. By nurturing your potential customers through the sales funnel with the right content provided at the right stages, you can shorten the sales cycle and make the sales person’s job easier.

Want to know more about inbound marketing?

Download this free ebook.

Inbound Marketing Report- How do marketing priorities differ around the globe?

Since the start of the digital age, the role of marketing and advertising in companies has been shifting. Where the role of marketing was once primarily promotion or branding, today it’s increasingly about delivering leads to the sales team. Qualified leads – in a measurable way.

With the rise of inbound marketing, the shift has continued with an even greater emphasis on measuring the impact of marketing work. That means tracking the number of interested prospects and measuring the conversion rates of visitors into leads and then customers. In other words: to prove ROI.


Proving ROI: a core tenet of inbound

So that is the theory. But is it being put into practice? And if so, does it work the same way everywhere around the globe?

The 2015 State of Inbound Report from HubSpot answers some of these questions and others. HubSpot (the marketing automation software company) conducts an annual survey of marketing departments around the world, and this year’s survey included more than 150 countries with 4,000 respondents, primarily in B2B companies. It included companies who use marketing automation tools as well as those who do not.

Among other things, the report answers questions such as: How do marketing challenges and priorities differ by country? Does ROI matter equally in all countries? How does the acceptance of inbound compare internationally?

ROI: Lip-service or practice?

If we ask any of our team members who work on international business development in countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium and even the UAE, they will say the B2B companies they talk to claim to care about ROI. Yet, many of them are lacking a defined way of measuring their leads. Or even a defined process for sales to follow-up on leads generated by marketing.

The State of Inbound Report paints a similar picture. In fact, it shows that fewer than 43% of sales teams even have contact information before reaching out to a prospect. And even fewer (only 21%) have any information about the prospect’s interaction with the company website.

Only 21%. Website interaction data is basic information any analytics tool or marketing system like HubSpot provides. Yet marketers aren’t using it, or maybe they don’t know where to find it?

But back to ROI. Does it really matter? Are companies taking action based on it? That may vary by country. According to the report, companies in North America, Australia and New Zealand are more concerned with measuring ROI (56-59% listed ROI as the top marketing priority) than those in other parts of the world like Europe, the Middle East and Asia (46% said it was a top priority) or Latin America (where 49% said it was most important).

ROI by Region: 2015 State of inbound report

North America was also the most likely to track ROI and know what their ROI was at all, let alone achieve the goals. This might make sense, in part, since the “inbound revolution” started there.

In theory, everyone is focused on ROI. In practice, lots of companies don’t measure much. If they get new leads, they’re happy, they don’t look further,” said one business development manager in the Benelux region of Europe.

Hubspot 2015 State of Inbound Report ROI tracking by region

So what does it mean? In general, marketers seem to understand the importance of measuring ROI and setting goals, yet the vast majority, especially in international markets, are still falling short of reaching their goals. Does this reflect a matter of practice or uncertainty about how to measure ROI?

Such low numbers may also suggest that a lot of companies are only just discovering the power of digital media compared to “old” media. A 2013 survey from a Belgian company called Acerta showed that only 41% of companies in Belgium with more than 1000 employees were using digital assets, and under 1000 employees, the number dropped to 36% and under 10 employees, it was just 27%.

Furthermore, some companies may have jumped onto the digital bandwagon or into using social media “because everyone is doing it” but without a clear idea of how to measure ROI.

“I have even heard marketing consultants say (about social media), ‘It doesn’t do anything for you but you need to be on it because your competitors are there’ <<facepalm>>,” said Marie-Helene Dibenedetto, an UP digital media consultant in Belgium. They clearly lack an understanding of how to create measurable social media campaigns.  (Hint: it’s not that hard if you use the right tools).

Yet, next door in the Netherlands, things are somewhat different. The Dutch market is very mature in terms of Internet adoption (9 out of 10 homes in the Netherlands are connected to the Internet). This means a lot of businesses are heavily focused on driving online sales.

“Business here – think retail, but also insurance, financial services and utility providers − are more integrated in their marketing compared to what I see in the rest of Europe and Asia,” said Roupert Muller, a digital and social media consultant in the Netherlands. “Most businesses are using a mix of organic and paid advertising, social media (organic & paid) and content marketing with a heavy focus on delivering a proper mobile experience.”

In other parts of the world, changes may be happening faster. As a relatively new open market, Dubai has a focus on international marketing with a modern approach to business. For growing economies like this one, a clear focus on metrics and business development may mean that generalizations about international marketing and results like those in this survey may be about to change.

“As companies focus on building an international market, they are looking to create best practices and follow methodologies that have been proven effective elsewhere,” saidAsra Eftekhari, an UP marketing consultant in the UAE. “They are willing to invest and hire the experts who can provide training or establish measurement systems.”

Inbound is world-wide

One thing the report showed for sure: The global community is united in favor of inbound practices. The days of interruption marketing and relying on print ads for lead generation are over. In all five international regions, a 3:1 ratio emerged between those who considered their organization inbound-driven versus outbound-driven.

Hubspot 2015 state of inbound report inbound vs outound by region

“In Sweden, we are seeing a growing interest not only in the inbound methodology but also in creating processes and tools for measuring ROI, as well as accurately tracking lead generation. Inbound has definitely arrived here,” said UP Swedish Inbound Marketing and Digital Consultant Anders Westholm.


Get the latest State of Inbound Marketing Report now.

Build your brand on LinkedIn with long-form posts

Are you using LinkedIn to build your brand by creating content that shows your area of expertise? LinkedIn introduced the “long-form” post a little over a year ago. You can use it to post original content (blogs) that will be seen by your network.


Your long-form posts should be business related. For example, you could post about trends in your industry or new technology developments. Maybe include a round-up of top articles that feature your company or product. Or post a blog from your company’s website. Just be sure to link back to your original blog post to preserve your website’s SEO.

Don’t have a blog?

Some companies use LinkedIn long-form posts as their primary means of blogging. Perhaps your website isn’t currently set up to manage a blog, or your company isn’t sure about blogging? You can still develop thought leadership in your personal areas of expertise by publishing articles in this format that share valuable information with your business network.

How? Create your long-form posts and then share it on your Company’s LinkedIn Page and your own profile page.  (You’ll need to have admin rights to your company’s LinkedIn Page to share it there). If you don’t, ask someone who does to share your post there as an update. And be sure to use the social media sharing tools to promote it beyond LInkedIn.

It’s an easy way to build your reputation.

Want to know more?

Read this presentation that shows how to do it.


5 Essential Differences Between Marketing Software and a CRM

The era of marketing automation has brought new and powerful tools to the hands of sales and marketing teams. Our arsenal today includes a means to collect customer and prospect data (we never use the term “spying” *wink*), personalization of offers and even the all-important ROI analysis.

But there may be some confusion or overlap in the minds of marketers about the differences between various kinds of software tools. You may wonder, “How do I compare apples to apples? Or am I lumping in grapefruits?

Compare CRM to marketing software tools for sales funnel
CRM software and marketing software are meant for different stages
of the sales and marketing funnel.

The comparison may get even more complicated when you consider that some marketing automation tools, such as HubSpot, may seem to overlap with tools such customer relationship management (CRM) systems. In fact, HubSpot recently added a CRM directly into its marketing software system. So where do you draw the line?

What is a CRM?

First of all, it’s important to consider that definitions of these tools can be highly subjective depending on who is using them. In fact, a CRM (typically considered a sales or customer support tool) could even be considered marketing software, because the marketing team uses it.

That being said, it might make sense to create a broad definition of what each of these tools are:

  • A CRM – is a repository (database) of information for managing customer relationships
  • Marketing software (and in particular, marketing automation software) – is used to take actions toward customers and leads

To make the distinction more clear-cut, we’ve outline five essential differences between CRMs and marketing software.

Five essential differences

  1. What it’s used for: Database vs. control center.

    A CRM is a repository of customer history and information such as addresses and phone numbers, while marketing automation software is used to perform specific actions. A marketing automation tool allows you to create workflows and send emails or offers to particular customers at a particular time, based on the information they have asked (opted-in) to receive.

  2. How it’s used: Sales interactions vs. website tracking.

    A CRM is useful for tracking sales and customer support interactions with a customer by logging individual email contact and phone calls. It keeps track of all customer purchases and preferences. A marketing system, however, will track a broader set of data about prospects BEFORE they become customers, such as web pages they have viewed, social media sites they have interacted with and ads they have viewed.

  3. Who uses it: Sales vs marketing.

    Again, there can be some overlap here, but a CRM records every instance of contact with a particular customer into one aggregated dataset. (Every sales, customer service, and marketing touch can be recorded). Marketing software is a tool designed to measure and collect information about marketing campaigns: which emails generate leads and clicks, which ads pull in the most website visitors, which blog posts get the most readership and conversion on offers, which social media posts or Tweets got responses and views.

  4. When it’s used: After conversion vs before.

    A CRM primarily collects information after a lead is known and helps identify the best customers. Marketing automation software aggregates information about the customer that begins before the person has any sales contact by using website forms and online analytics to gather data.

  5. Why it’s used: Customer maintenance vs lead nurturing.

    A CRM is used to foster and maintain customer relationships while a marketing automation system is primarily used to nurture leads at the top of the funnel in order to convert them to customers. Marketing software provides personalized content to the prospect in order to CONVERT the prospect to a lead, which is why it is primarily used by the marketing department.

As we mentioned, many of the tools in both a CRM and marketing automation system can overlap. And in fact, often both Sales and Marketing departments have access to and may use both sets of tools. The difference will be the kinds of information and actions they want to get from the systems.

Marketing will be more focused on using the tool to generate leads at the top of the funnel, and Sales will be more concerned with the activities that happen to convert the leads into customers –and what happens with the customers after the sale.

Marketing systems may increasingly be useful in the later part as well, because they can manage email campaigns and content that help upsell customers, support re-engagement or get customers to share information with their own friends and contacts.

Want know more?

Want to know more about how a marketing automation system could help you? Download this inbound marketing presentation.